I caught part of Senator Johnson's interview with Al Hunt on Bloomberg the other day. Of course, it was full of a bunch of foolishness. But one thing caught me in particular. Hunt asked Johnson to explain how after the Clinton tax increases, there were 23 million jobs created; and after the Bush tax cuts there were only 3 million jobs created. After some gibberish to avoid answering the question he finally gave this answer: all the jobs created during the Clinton years were really created by--drum roll please--you guessed it!! Ronald Reagan... It looked to me like it took all of Hunt's self-control to keep from busting out in laughter. It was that ridiculous. You can catch the transcript containing all of Sen. Johnson's brilliant insights here: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-07-08/senator-johnson-says-u-s-can-avoid-default-transcript-.html
You folks from Wisconsin really elected a doozy. (I only feel entitled to say it because I am a Wisconsin native.)
I am waiting for the next interview where we are likely to find out that Reagan is also is responsible for (1) the allied victory in WW II; (2) man landing on the moon; (3) the polio vaccine; and (4) [just fill in the blank, Ron].