Wednesday, June 26, 2013

More Judicial Activism

I guess I am of the school that believes that yesterday's Supreme Court decision will not--in the long run--open the doors to the current GOP voter suppression strategy.  Demographic trends will produce a backlash that will damage the GOP, much like what happened in the 2012 election, where the GOP tactics angered people enough that turnout actually increased.

But, having said that, the gutting of the Voting Rights Act by the Supreme Court is just another example proving that the current Court is pursuing a specific political agenda and is the most activist Court of my lifetime.  Kevin Drum gives an excellent take on this (here's the link).  The gross inconsistency shows that their decision is political rather than judicial.  That's kinda the definition of judicial activism.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Christian Life Resources Showing Its True Colors (Again)

I found this article on the Christian Life Resources (CLR) website today (dated June 6).  The article seems to glowingly approve of Baltimore Ravens player Matt Birk dissing President Obama by not attending the traditional White House get-together with the Super Bowl champs.  CLR apparently thinks it's some kind of act of high principle.  It is just the opposite.  What it really shows is how much Christian Life Resources dislikes the current president and how it is willing to sidestep its own supposed principles in order to promote its own political agenda.

First, in regard to Matt Birk.  He is quoted in the article as saying he has "great respect for the office of the president".  That's a lie.  If he had great respect for the office of the president he would have been at the event.  The event was nonpolitical, nonpartisan, and had nothing to do with abortion.  He may think his action was directed only at Barack Obama, but in fact he was disrespecting his fellow citizens.  At this event, the President was representing all Americans.  Professional athletes are paid big bucks.  When they become professional athletes, they sign up for events like this.  It's part of their job, which includes representing the communities which support them and ultimately pay their salaries.  The Religious Right may think this is high principle.  I think he decided to make it about himself.  Matt Birk is selfish and small minded.

Christian Life Resources has no excuse.  As a WELS-affiliated organization, it is supposed to be in agreement with WELS teachings concerning government.  On its own website it pays lip service to this:

[...] We owe the government more than just taxes. As God's servant, the government deserves our honor and respect. The Apostle Paul reminds us of that:
This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. (Romans 13:6,7)

We may not always agree with what our elected officials say or do, but that does not give us license to dishonor them with our speech.... (Clearly Caring Magazine Sept/Oct 2008)

Clearly, Matt Birk dishonored President Obama.  His church may encourage such public disrespect.   The teachings of our church regard it as sin.  Why does Christian Life Resources present it in a positive light?  The only answer I can come up with is the one that has always been the case since I started following this organization many years ago:  Politics always trumps doctrine.  It's disappointing and embarrassing.  It's even more disappointing and embarrassing that the WELS leadership allows it to continue.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

GOP Hates Obamacare Unless They Want the Money

I don't know if this link from The Nation will still be around after it's archived, but it's a pretty typical example of Republican/Tea Party hypocrisy on the Affordable Care Act.  Actually, it's typical of their lack of principle on all federal programs.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Take a Deep Breath

The problem with the perpetual outrage of the Republican/Tea Party is that they never have time to take a deep breath and actually think about things.  The supposedly scandalous IRS conference is a case in point.  I suppose it's always possible to find fault with almost anything.  And all someone has to do is say "IRS" and they have this low-hanging-fruit thing going on so they can say anything without having to think about or prove anything.  People are ready to gobble it up.

Anyway, Kevin Drum did take a breath and actually think about it a little.  His blog post today puts it into a little perspective.  I certainly spent a lot of time at stupid events like this when I was in the private sector, just like he says.  And yes, the corporate execs and their "training" staffs thought they were great.  So go ahead and have fun with your easy target.  But as Drum says, there is "less here than meets the eye".  If this is your big scandal then you have too much time on your hands.