Friday, August 28, 2015

End of August Miscellany

Clearing some things from my mind the last days of August:

We pretty much stopped shopping at Amazon a couple years ago. (Not a 100% boycott, but pretty close.)  The New York Times piece really didn't contain much that's new.  We have a much clearer conscience shopping at Walmart than we do at Amazon.  And that's been true for a long time.

Radical religious extremists now control the governments in Israel, India, Iran (although, ironically, Iran's government is less radical than, say, ten years ago), and parts of Africa.  Some might add Pakistan and even Iraq.  And others--such as Turkey--are moving more and more in that direction.  In all these cases, the world is worse off.  In the US, radicals of the Religious Right would like to have the same thing happen here.  We used to have a Constitution to protect us from that happening, but with the current activist Supreme Court I am not as confident of that protection as I used to be.

During all the faux-scandals of the past few years (Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, et al...I lost count), the hyper-ventilating Right would have you believe that the "Liberal" media simply covered things up.  On the contrary, these things were incessantly covered, way beyond anything dictated by reality.  They faded away because the Darrell Issas and Fox Newses of the world were unable to answer the question,"Where's the beef?"  They made up their own facts for a while but the public eventually just yawned.  The same thing will happen with the latest faux-Planned Parenthood scandal, and probably even the faux-Hillary Clinton email scandal.  As Kevin Drum says, there's no there there.

My wife has been on Social Security for much of Obama's presidency (early 2009 to now).  Her benefit has gone up an average of less than 1.5% per year.  I'm not complaining about that.  That's what the CPI has been.  My point is that Rick Santelli and other inflationistas have been panicking about inflation for most of those seven years and have been screaming for the Fed to raise rates.  I have two questions: (1) What inflation? (2)  Why is anyone still listening to people who have been so consistently wrong for seven years straight?

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

WELS Misses the Mark on Gay Marriage

Headline on the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church  (WELS) website, in response to the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage: "Marriage under Assault". Ummmm...I have news for the WELS: marriage has been under assault from heterosexuals since the day it was instituted. Why all the concern now? I don't see how LGBTs can possibly make the institution any worse.

Friday, August 14, 2015


Haven't posted much in the last couple months, partly for valid reasons and partly because I am just plain lazy. I thought I'd better post something so my account doesn't get canceled for lack of use.
  • What are the chances of seeing some outrage from Christian Life Resources (or any other voice from the Religious Right) about Ben Carson's research with aborted tissue? (Zero) They have spent weeks being outraged over a few edited videos of doubtful validity and veracity. They don't have the time or inclination to be outraged over a true story.
  • I am 67 years old and I'm amazed at how I am continually blown away by authors that I hadn't heard of a few years ago. (My fault.) The short stories of Lydia Davis are the latest revelation.
  • Speaking of Ben Carson....His justification for using aborted fetal tissue was pretty familiar for a Republican. Is torture okay? Only if we're the ones doing it. Is it okay to use "harvested" fetal tissue for research? Only if I'm the one doing it. I think he is qualified to be a Republican presidential candidate. Moral relativism has become a guiding principle.
  • I read the other day (I forgot where) that the only people opposed to the Iran Deal are the hardliners in Iran, the hardliners in Israel, and the hardliners in the United States. Pretty accurate I'd say.
  • I see that Scott Walker has found a subsidy he likes (some $250 million plus interest) for an NBA arena in Milwaukee. No Medicaid expansion in the state but $250 million for those underprivileged hedge fund managers who own the team. Oh....and they also happen to be campaign contributors.
  • According to the CDC, the uninsured population has decreased from 20% to 13% since the ACA has been in effect.
  • According to Christian Life Resources, there have been fewer abortions per year during the Obama administration than any time since the mid-70s. Wait...I thought Obama invented abortion!
  • The undocumented immigrant population is lower today that in 2007.