Thursday, April 28, 2016

Unexpected Endorsement for Hillary

I see that T. Boone (Swift Boat Liar) Pickens has said that Hillary Clinton doesn't know what she's talking about and that he is kinda supporting Trump for president.  Seeing as how this is coming from someone so lacking in honesty and integrity, I can't think of a better endorsement for Hillary Clinton for President.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Best and Worst of the Bad

It seems to have become sort of conventional wisdom among my fellow leftists that Donald Trump is the worst disaster as a presidential possibility since the founding of the Republic. It seems a little odd to even be talking about this, since the last thing I want to do is "defend" Donald Trump. But I disagree emphatically with this conventional wisdom.

Let's back up....There has also been a sort of unchallenged conventional wisdom among the mainstream media that the Republican Party had a "deep bench" of presidential candidates. Well, the 2016 campaign has shown how ridiculous this idea is. Intellectual lightweights like Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Carly Fiorina, et al, have all fallen by the wayside, and for good reason.

It's also silly to pretend--like some on the left--that all of these folks are equally bad. John Kasich is a conservative to be sure, but make no mistake about it: he would be a far superior president to the other two who remain, and most of those who have left the race.

Anyway, as I see it, here is my personal list--from most dangerous to least--of the long list of disastrous GOP candidates (my apologies to any that I forgot):

  1. Ben Carson
  2. Ted Cruz
  3. Carly Fiorina
  4. Bobby Jindahl
  5. Mike Huckabee
  6. Rick Santorum
  7. Scott Walker
  8. Donald Trump
  9. Marco Rubio
  10. Rick Perry
  11. Lindsay Graham
  12. George Pataki
  13. John Kasich
  14. Rand Paul
  15. Chris Christy
It's really difficult bringing myself to actually rank this crowd, but there really is a big difference between those on the top of the list and those on the bottom, even if one could quibble about the exact spot each belongs. Some are definitely scarier than the others. As you can see, I only put The Donald in the middle of this list. That is even scarier!! Quite a "deep bench", huh?  This crowd is something to lose sleep over.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Unsolicited Advice from Me

Some advice to a few people:
  • To the GOP legislators in North Carolina, trying to defend their anti-LGBT law:  Your argument might be on thin ice if it relies on comparing your state to Sudan.
  • To Charlie Sykes and the other talk radio right wingers in Wisconsin:  Your lament that Donald Trump lacks the civility that Wisconsinites love (expect maybe for the ones that listen to you!) might have some credibility if you weren't using it to contrast with Ted "Mr. Civility" Cruz.
  • To Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana:  I recommend a moratorium on signing any new laws in your state until you get get some new advisers whose only job is to keep you from making a fool of yourself.
  • To the Religious Right:  If you are going to rely on bogusly manufactured and edited videos to make your case, you might want to at least have someone produce them without committing a felony.