Sunday, July 3, 2016

A Good Example of Why We Left WELS

In this article in the official Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) periodical Forward in Christ, you can find the following quote:
But America's values are rapidly changing, and we Christians feel our religious liberties are slowly being eroded. More and more we feel like "strangers and pilgrims" (Hebrews 11:13) in a foreign land.
Well, this particular "we Christian" doesn't feel that way at all. I don't feel my religious liberty has been eroded at all, and I grew tired of WELS repeatedly thinking that they are speaking for me in their recent public statements and articles like these. This is a Fox News talking point; please don't think you are speaking for "we Christians" when you repeat it. The only place we felt like "strangers and pilgrims" was in the WELS. That's why we're not there anymore.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Independence Day Musings

  • Okay, so a former President of the United States ran into the Attorney General and chatted a bit. Well, maybe it's a little awkward and unfortunate, but I don't really understand the hyperventilation. It seems a lot less egregious than what Scalia did a couple times. Take a deep breath everyone. The MSM seems to be getting just as frenzied about everything as the Tea Party does.
  • I continue to insist that Trump isn't really any worse than most of the other GOP candidates (I know, I know, I am in a minority here). The difference is that he says things that the GOP wishes were left unsaid, but that have been part of their dog-whistle platform for many years now. Anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant is a core of the Republican agenda. It's interesting that the problem guys like Paul Ryan have with Donald Trump seems to be that he is not conservative enough for their Ayn Randian economic credo. As long as he gives in on that a little, they will accept all the other stuff.
  • If Donald Trump chooses Newt Gingrich for his running mate, it will set a record for most marriages and divorces (and adulteries?) on a presidential ticket that may never be broken!
  • I have said something like this before but am repeating it (I can do that because it's my blog!). Christians used to worship the triune god of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Many Christians still do, but those on the Religious Right today seem to have changed their beliefs, and now they worship the triune god of the Second Amendment, Supply-side Economics, and American Exceptionalism. (There is a word for this: Idolatry.)