Friday, November 5, 2010

The Bush Era Tax Cuts

Reasonable people can always disagree on their opinions--the Tea Party purists notwithstanding--but only if we agree first on what the facts are.  One interesting example has to do with the Bush tax cuts that are scheduled to expire in January.

Both the cuts and the expiration date were put into the bill by an essentially Republican Congress and signed by a Republican president.  So if the Right wants to treat this as a de facto tax increase, then let's make sure we place the responsiblity where it belongs.  This so-called tax increase already exists in current law, enacted by Republicans, so it is a Republican tax increase.

Once we agree on that fact, then we can discuss the wisdom of whether some or all of them should be extended.  But I find it incredible that the Republicans lacked the guts and/or the votes to pass a bill that was permanent and now expect the Democrats to take the blame for it.  Have you heard this reported in the media?  Where is the liberal bias when we need it?

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