Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More Trivialities

In my 9/18/10 post, I listed phrases that disqualify a writer or commentator from being taken seriously.  Their use indicates that the commentator is too lazy to present an actual argument or position (or, more likely, that no such argument really exists) and is simply resorting to banality.  Here are a few more words and phrases to add to that list.
  • "The market hates uncertainty" (the market is uncertainty)
  • "Nanny state" (I'm 62 and no government nanny has ever forced me to do anything)
  • "Elitist" (i.e., anyone with an idea you don't agree with?)
  • "Values voter" (aren't we all?)
  • "Pro-growth tax cuts" (as opposed to the other kind?)
  • "Pro-family" (anyone you disagree with is obviously anti-family)

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