Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ryan's Stale Ideas

Rep. Ryan's proposals are heralded as bold new initiatives, even by normally reasonable commentators like David Brooks.  His idea is essentially that the way to save America is to lower the standard of living of the poor, the middle class, and the elderly by widening the income disparity in the country even more than it already is.  This is not to say that his ideas might not carry the day, just that there is nothing bold or new about these theories. They've been around forever.  The idea that lower marginal tax rates for the wealthy produces more jobs and balances budgets has always been tenuous (if not outright untrue).  It's more a religious belief among these folks than something based on empirical evidence.

So puh-lease....Ryan may get his way, but let's not talk as if he has invented some new exciting idea. It's just more of the same stale right-wing stuff.

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