Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Random Thoughts

  • Why would anyone care what S&P has to say?
  • It looks like the Tea Party Congressmen love pork as much as anyone.  The hypocrites just change the definition for projects in their districts.
  • As one who supported and voted for Obama, I wonder now whether things are any different or better than if Hillary had been elected.
  • Obama should have ignored the Republican ParTea and invoked the 14th Amendment on the debt.  If he's going to suffer the blame anyway, he might as well do the right thing for the American people.  Someday he might stand up for the people who put him in the White House.  It hasn't happened yet.
  • Someone once said that we haven't had a liberal president since Richard Nixon.  That appears to still be true.
  • Paul Krugman's metaphor in yesteday's op-ed piece was right on.  He compared Republican economic theory to medieval bloodletters.  Bleed the patient and make him sicker.  Bleed the economy and make it worse.

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