Friday, April 6, 2012

Christian Life Resources and Politics (Part 10)

The fact that Christian Life Resources (CLR) is a shill for right-wing extremists and the Republican Party is now beyond dispute.  As a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)--with which this group is supposedly affiliated--I find this appalling to no end.  It is only compounded by CLR's dishonesty in trying to claim otherwise.

This fact is proven almost every day on CLR's website, but nowhere is it more apparent than in its choice of speakers at its national conventions.  Cal Thomas has been keynote speaker for at least two conventions in the past.  In 2010, the right-wing blogger/columnist Patrick McIlheran was a featured speaker.  And now, following the 2012 convention, there is a fundraising dinner with featured speaker Charlie Sykes, the well-known extreme right-wing talk radio host in Milwaukee.

The fact that Christian Life Resources (and apparently the WELS) fails to see the inappropriateness of this blatant and unabashed political activism shows how deeply entrenched they have become in the world of right-wing politics.

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