Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Latest on Christian Life Resources

I still monitor Christian Life Resource's (CLR) website quite regularly.  I let a lot of their misrepresentations pass--it gets a little tiresome after a while--but they are pretty much up to the same stuff.

This week, they had another reference to the Affordable Care Act as health care rationing.  Even most right wingers have given up on this argument, but CLR continues to trot it out every now and then, just to remind us that they are in the hip pocket of the Republican (aka Tea) Party.  As I mentioned a couple times in the past, they seem okay with Arizona Governor Brewer's actual rationing health care, because they are too busy complaining about ACA's nonexistent rationing.  (Oh yeah I forgot...she's a Republican isn't she?)

We can also be reminded CLR's ill-advised entry into partisan politics after another of Michele Bachmann's crazy accusations, this time that the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the State Department, Congress, and other areas of the the government.  Christian Life Resources has provided quasi-endorsements of Ms. Bachmann in the past.  It should serve as a lesson to them that when you do that, you can't just endorse a small part of that politician; you are stuck with all the warts.  It makes CLR appear foolish and can't help but harm what is supposed to be its true mission.  But maybe they have become more interested in politics than in their original purpose.  It's sad.

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