Saturday, December 15, 2012

Chew on This, All You Hate Mongers

Thanks to VetGrl via Daily Kos for this blog post.  The right-wing hate mongers make great sport of slandering America's teachers.  Read this post about some of the teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Here is part of the post, at the very end:
This is Victoria Soto, and although I didn't know her, she is my hero. I don't know too much about her, but I know a lot of people who do know her and she's amazing. Victoria was a Stratford high graduate and only 27. She was killed today after she hid her first graders in closets and cabinets and told the shooter they were in the gym. He killed her and not one of her children were harmed. I have never been more proud to be from Stratford or to be a teacher. God bless Victoria, her family and friends, and all of those who were involved today in anyway. Victoria is a true hero.
The language in the blog post is pretty strong, but in this case, for the Michelle Malkins and Rush Limbaughs of this world, it's well earned.

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