Saturday, April 20, 2013

Random Thoughts

Some random (mostly unconnected) thoughts after the gun vote, Boston, etc.
  • Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council hate group is at it again.  First, a few years back he said that any Christian who voted for Obama (I am proudly guilty) should repent.  Then, he misused Luke 19 to claim that God is a laissez-faire capitalist (see my post of 12/10/2011).  Now he is quoting Luke 22:36 to claim that God is a Second Amendment extremist and wants all Christians to buy guns.  Okay, so first he tries to bind the conscience of Christians who differ with his politics.  Then, in the next two instances, he trivializes spiritual principles to advance his earthly political agenda.  I can only assume it is intentional.  I have been in Wisconsin Synod (WELS) congregations where liberals like Bill Maher are the main characters in a Sunday sermon, and where the president is spoken of disrespectfully in Bible classes.  And this criticism is for their politics, not their religion.  But here is a man--Perkins--who is allowed to be a spokesman for Christians and who is promulgating dangerous and harmful false doctrine, and I have never once heard him publicly called on it by anyone associated with the WELS.  Indeed, if you search in the affiliate Christian Life Resources website, you are likely to find Tony Perkins presented as a favorable ally.  As I 've said before, in the WELS it is okay to have poor doctrine as long as you have the correct politics.  It's shameful and embarrassing.
  • Is there any phrase that has become more meaningless on television news than "Breaking News"?
  • A relative of mine posted this quote on Facebook:  "Please call them what they are...Muslim terrorists!"  Okay, can we also label Timothy McVeigh, Wade Page, Anders Breivak, et al,  as Christian terrorists?
  • I really do believe that people are entitled to have whatever political beliefs they want, but I hope that mine aren't based on fear, paranoia, anger, and hatred.

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