Monday, August 12, 2013

Obama Can Do Better Than This

President Obama has pretty much continued the Bush policies in regard to prosecuting whistleblowers and defending unwarranted surveillance.  His recent pronouncements on the NSA and Snowden have been specious.  I expect more form him that this.  I agree with Kevin Drum of Mother Jones that Friday's speech treated us like five-year-olds.

After listening to all the tortured logic about privacy versus secrecy, I think the arguments are misplaced.  It's really about democracy.  Cutting through all the phony rhetoric, for me it boils down to two points:
  • Our government rules with the consent of the governed.
  • How can I give my consent if I don't know what you are doing (or--even more troubling--if you lie to me about what you are doing).
My understanding is that at least part of Snowden's motivation is that he thought Americans had a right to know what their government is doing.  We are now having a discussion about that.  We would not be having this discussion if Snowden hadn't done what he did.  For Obama to claim that we would have gotten here anyway is--as Drum says-- laughable.  We are having the discussion because Obama was forced into it.

This is not the high point of the Obama presidency, that's for sure.

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