Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Don't Let the Drunks Drive Again

I always thought that the most apropos metaphor for the Iraq War was that friends don't let friends drive drunk.  America had many friends back then (France, Canada, et al) that tried to get the neocon drunks in the Bush administration to give up the keys to the car.  Those were our true friends, but the Cheney/ Rumsfeld/Bolton chicken hawk coalition tried to turn them into enemies.

As expected, this same group of scoundrels that sent us to war over nonexistent weapons of mass destruction has reared up its ugly chicken hawk head over the latest Iran initiative.  It is astonishing to me that anyone still cares what they think about anything.  Other people are still cleaning up the mess they left in the Middle East.

You fear that we will be duped by Iran? Well, we were already duped (i.e., neo-conned) by you in 2003.  It's entirely possible that Iran is not to be trusted here. Well, then we have lost a few months and can renew sanctions or whatever else is needed.   That's a much preferable strategy than the chicken hawk willingness to send others off to die to satisfy their need for bluster and empty bravado.  You had eight years to "fix" the serious issues with Iran.  It's time to let someone sober drive the car.

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