Friday, June 13, 2014

Quote of the Day (More on the Revisionists)

As a follow-up to my earlier post today, here is a quote from Kevin Drum's blog today about John McCain's alternate reality on Iraq.  As usual, Drum says it better than I.
John McCain is now the Donald Sterling of foreign affairs: old, angry, retrograde, and only barely in touch with the real world. This is the same guy who declared Iraq safe after taking a carefully staged stroll through a fruit market in Baghdad seven years ago, and he hasn't been willing to engage with reality any more seriously ever since. He's just sure that we had it won, that American troops had victory in their grasp, and now it's all turned to ashes. And since the actual politics of the region seem to be beyond him, all he can do is rage at President Obama for somehow ruining his lovely pretend victory.
It's a little sad in a way, and perhaps sadder still that the media continues to give him the means to keep embarrassing himself on national TV. It's time to move on, guys.

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