Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Some Stuff

Some stuff I have opinions about....

  • Mike Huckabee's rant about the-Obamas-as-role-models gives us an opportunity to remind ourselves of the Religious Right's true stripes: nothing more than modern-day Pharisees.  Basically, they are saying that the world would be so much better if only everyone were like them.
  • I observed--with some amusement--a recent exchange on Facebook (I am not on Facebook myself) where some right wingers were attempting to establish an equivalence between Steve Emerson's recent fabrications on Fox News about Birmingham and London; and Christiane Amanpour's use of the term "activist" instead of "terrorist" in her CNN report about the Paris bombing.  Ummm, let's see...In one case we have a supposed terrorism expert making statements that are utterly false (and it's hard to conceive that he didn't know they were false).  In the other case, we have a reporter filing a factual report whose only fault seems to be that one of her words offended the sensibilities of the right-wing PC police.  Apparently the equivalence is obvious to some, but I guess I am not so bright.
  • I am astounded at the lengths to which people will go to find things to justify their racism.  And then I am even more astounded that they are so willing broadcast their racism publicly without a shred of embarrassment.
  • Quote from Franklin Graham: “Christianity is constantly under siege from the halls of government and education, which seek to suppress any public expressions of faith.”  I am 66 years old and I have never been suppressed by the government or anyone else from publicly expressing my faith.  Maybe I'm just lucky.
  • In 2012 James Dobson essentially said that the Sandy Hook tragedy was God's judgment on us, pretty much the fault of gays and abortion.  This is only the tip of the iceberg of the preposterous and hateful things he has said (especially since Obama was elected).  I have two questions about this.  First, why haven't religious leaders (including my own church body, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) called him on this blatantly false teaching?  How can you let such a theological lightweight speak for you (along with the aforementioned Franklin Graham and Dobson's partner in hate, Tony Perkins)?  And second, why would any parent have even an iota of interest in what he says about raising their kids?  No thanks.

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