Monday, April 27, 2015

Thoughts at the End of April

  • One of the suggestions on my Twitter page for who I might be interested in following is Darrell Issa! Something is seriously wrong with their algorithm.
  • Latest from Calgary Ted Cruz: "Obama is not a disaster because he was a senator. Obama is a disaster because he’s an unmitigated socialist, what he believes is profoundly dangerous, and he’s undermined the Constitution and the role of America in the world." Why would I ever care about anything he says after that? (Not that I really cared before.) I don't have time to listen to everyone, and this statement puts his credibility at zero.
  • Hate monger Franklin Graham is once again blaming Obama for Christians being killed in Iraq. And he is once again blaming it on Obama's "Islamic upbringing". First of all, it's obvious that Graham didn't take me up on my suggestion (see my post of 3/14/15) that he go to his pastor and confess his sin and ask for forgiveness for bearing false witness against the president. Fortunately for Graham (and all of us sinners) God is patient. Mr. Graham still has time to repent. Secondly, Franklin Graham needs to review the history of the Iraq War (and not the make-believe one on Fox News). The Christians in Iraq were pretty much doomed the day that Bush invaded. A million or more fled and many were killed during the Bush years, including some who were beheaded. (I don't remember Graham's outrage then, do you?) Criticism of Obama is certainly reasonable, but to pretend that the problem began with ISIS is dishonest. (Mr. Graham can be forgiven for that sin, too.) If the Religious Right was so concerned with persecution of Christians, they should have opposed Bush's war from the start.
  • I see that George W. Bush has weighed in on Obama's Middle East policy. It seems that he believes it could lead to chaos. Well, I am willing to concede that nobody probably knows more about causing chaos in the Middle East than GW. But now that Bush has joined the likes of Dick (and Liz) Cheney, William Kristol, John Bolton, and others in disapproving of the policy, I'm thinking that what better endorsement could Obama receive than having this discredited roster opposed to you?

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