Tuesday, September 1, 2015

GOP, Ben Carson, and Dick Cheney

  • It's kinda fun to watch all these "tough" GOP candidates whine about how the press (and everyone else, I guess) is picking on them.  Wah-wah!
  • I have done a little Googling on the subject and haven't been able to find anyone on the Religious Right who has any misgiving--much less outrage--over Ben Carson using aborted fetal tissue in his research.  Can you spell M-O-R-A-L R-E-L-A-T-I-V-I-S-M?
  • I see that Dick Cheney is going to give a speech this month opposing the Iran deal.  Is he really a closet supporter?  I think his speech will help the pro-deal cause.  Does anyone want to be on the same side as Dick Cheney on any issue?

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