Sunday, February 21, 2016

Some Opinions

  • It has taken Scott Walker and the current Republican three-ring-circus legislature only a few years to change Wisconsin from the poster child for honest and open government to one of the most corrupt.
  • It is comical to watch all the Don't-Tread-on-Me constitutional scholar Senators creating their own faux-Constitution out of whole cloth to justify ignoring a still-nonexistent Supreme Court nominee.
  • I saw a post on Facebook or somewhere that said people get the President/Governor/Senator they deserve, and I'm afraid he is right. The reason Brownback (insert any other name you choose) is governor is that a lot more people voted for him than his opponent. The same is true for Bevin in Kentucky, Walker in Wisconsin, Pence in Indiana, etc. They were who the people wanted and now they pay the price.
  • Carson and Cruz are the scariest candidates of a scary bunch.

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