Thursday, May 12, 2016

James Comey Again?

For the second time in a few months, FBI Director James Comey has blamed the so-called Ferguson effect for the increase in crime in some areas of the country.  (Here's one column on the conservative blog HotAir.)  Mind you, there is no real evidence to back this up and I think Comey's statement is a little dopey, but let's leave that for a different discussion.

This is what I don't understand:  Let's suppose they are right, that some cops are hesitant to act because they don't want to end up in a video.  If that's a problem then what is the solution?  (I'm a little tired of conservatives criticizing everything from Obama's foreign policy to entitlements to the ACA without ever proposing a solution.)  Here's the way I see it: if I see a cop gunning down an unarmed person, am I not supposed to take a video?  If I do take a video, then I am the one at fault for the increase in crime?  Really?  Is that your solution?  If not, then what?  Or maybe if the unarmed person wasn't killed in the first place, then there would be no video and the cops wouldn't have to worry so much about being on one.

I know which solution I am in favor of....

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