Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Trump Week #2

  • I think those that know me will attest that I am not prone to melodrama. (In fact I have been accused of being too much the opposite.)  But I will say this anyway:  The day that President Trump issued his anti-Muslim EO might be the day that the United States ceased to be a great nation.
  • Interesting quote from a  NY Times article, quoting a German equity fund manager:
"China does not have free elections. China jails labor organizers, while lavishing credit on state-owned enterprises. All of this makes Mr. Xi an ironic choice as an icon for free trade. Yet Mr. Xi’s speech was so successful that it won the embrace of business people and world leaders alike.
At a lunch in Davos two days after Mr. Xi’s address, a Berlin-based private equity fund manager, André Loesekrug-Pietri, stood in a dining room full of more than 100 people and predicted the dawning of a new era.
“We heard a Chinese president becoming the leader of the free world,” he said."
  • The Dems should obstruct and resist the Gorsuch nomination with everything they have. Screw the filibuster.  Keep the seat vacant for as long as possible. The 4-4 split is to our advantage.
  • The Trump administration has already shown an extraordinary talent for making bad decisions and then executing them poorly (e.g., the anti-Muslim EO).  Yeah, kind of like GW Bush's Iraq War, isn't it?  And it looks like it might be the way a lot of things are going to unfold in the coming months.

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