Friday, June 2, 2017

Random Thoughts

  • Fox News is not allowed on our house so I admit that I may be out of touch with what's happening in that alternate universe.  But all of a sudden I started seeing the term "Snowflake" appearing in my Facebook feed from some conservative friends (yes I have a few).  Well, I eventually was able to read between the lines and discern the definition.  Snowflake: the opposite of Fascist.
  • I don't know what on earth conservatives would do without the Hollywood/entertainment industry to serve as its last resort deflection tool.  "Hey, Trump and the Repubs just doomed our planet!".  "But yeah, what about that Kathy Griffin.  Isn't she horrible?"  No matter what the topic, all they have to do is blame it all on Hollywood. Sheesh.
  • Paul Ryan tweeted this recently: "BREAKING NEWS → Next week, the House will vote to dismantle #DoddFrank. The era of taxpayer bailouts and #TooBigToFail is over."  Now read this and tell me how much better things will be if only we can get rid of Donald Trump.  Be careful what you wish for: things could get worse.

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