Sunday, January 21, 2018

Sunday Morning

Random and unrelated thoughts/opinions on a Sunday morning:

  • I love podcasts but almost all of them are way too long. I am getting old and I just don’t have that many spare 60-90 minutes laying around anymore. They need senior citizen versions that I can listen to while drinking my McDonald's senior coffee.
  • The New York Times was a much better newspaper when it had a daily bridge column.
  • It was also a much better newspaper when it covered the substance of domestic politics instead of the tactics. It has become a Trump enabler.
  • One could make the argument that the biggest problem with Trump is that he's a fool. Having a fool as President of the United States is bad for America and for the world. Having a racist fool as president makes it dangerous.
  • NFL games are getting more boring all the time.
  • Franklin Graham is pond scum. I didn't agree with Billy Graham's theology, but he always strove to be a man of integrity and decency. His son has neither integrity nor decency.


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