Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Interest Rate Hypocrisy

In this article Kevin Drum has put into words what I've been thinking a lot of recently, with the Fed expected to raise interest rates this week. (They could still change their minds.)

I recall that during the entire Obama presidency, the Wall Street Journals and the Rick Santellis of the world were predicting clear and immediate catastrophe if the Fed didn't raise rates and soon. Inflation was either in full swing or just around the corner, even though it was essentially zero or even negative. Shoot, the House's resident Obama/Bernanke/Yellen hater, Jeb Hensarling, was holding hearings all the time scolding the Fed for not raising rates (and quite disrespectfully I might add).

Like Drum, I happen to agree that rates don't need to be raised, but the hypocrisy of the Right is pretty amazing. There was even less justification for raising rates during the Obama years than now, but that didn't matter. The Repubs spent eight years opposing everything for the sake of opposing everything, even if it hurt the country.

And I am supposed to think things will get better if we just get rid of Trump? Give me a reason to think so. They are all Donald Trump now.

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