Thursday, April 29, 2021

One Sentence Truths


  • Biden's first hundred days are way better than this leftie expected.

  • In a democracy, the people get to decide how they are policed, not the police.

  • One of the central teachings of today's Religious Right (and I include my former church body, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church here), is that God is not just White, but a White American.

  • None of the financial crises of my lifetime has been caused by the federal debt or deficit.

  • The Trump administration couldn't figure out a way to undercount Hispanics in blue states without also undercounting them in red states.

  • Until SCOTUS struck down anti-miscegenation laws in 1967 (Loving v. Virginia), interracial marriage was illegal in Delaware.

  • If you are a business that can't survive if you have to pay your employees $15 and hour, then you are not a viable business.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Embarrassing Things

One of the most common things I see from conservatives (and this pre-dates Trump by many years) is for them to use phrases something like "liberals are offended if I say X" or "saying X makes liberals mad". I have always found this amusing. My first reaction is to say, "Don't flatter yourself." When my conservative friends or family say dumb (and usually untrue) stuff, I may be astonished or bewildered, but mostly I am embarrassed for them, certainly not angry. It's embarrassing to see people you know and love publicly post crazy shit. And when people I don't know do the same, the last thing I am is offended. They mistake this embarrassment for offense, but I don't have the time or inclination to be angry or offended by dumb things.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

A Few Saturday Morning Thoughts


  • Yay! Another presidential commission.

  • I am not buying what John Boehner is selling. But watch the beltway media gobble it up.

  • If H.R. 1 and infrastructure program aren't enacted, it will be because of the Manchins and Sinemas, but somehow the Neera Tanden/Abigail Spanberger wing of the party will blame the lefties or BLM or "defund the police." Just watch.

  • I am in what seems to be a tiny minority. I am all for criticizing China for its human rights abuses and have no illusions about its motives. At the same time, with some of our most important friends practicing their own forms of genocide and apartheid and corrupton, I have a hard time getting on board with the current unhinged (and bipartisan) level of China hatred. I'm not sure I trust the motives of the American position on this issue.