Thursday, April 29, 2021

One Sentence Truths


  • Biden's first hundred days are way better than this leftie expected.

  • In a democracy, the people get to decide how they are policed, not the police.

  • One of the central teachings of today's Religious Right (and I include my former church body, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church here), is that God is not just White, but a White American.

  • None of the financial crises of my lifetime has been caused by the federal debt or deficit.

  • The Trump administration couldn't figure out a way to undercount Hispanics in blue states without also undercounting them in red states.

  • Until SCOTUS struck down anti-miscegenation laws in 1967 (Loving v. Virginia), interracial marriage was illegal in Delaware.

  • If you are a business that can't survive if you have to pay your employees $15 and hour, then you are not a viable business.

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