Saturday, November 27, 2021

Saturday Night Thoughts


  • The New York Times ran this story about Guantanamo with the subheadline: "With 6,000 residents and the feel of a college campus, the U.S. Navy base has some of the trappings of small-town America, and some of a police state." It seems to me that if you have "some trappings" of a police, then it's a police state. Even police states have college campuses and small towns.

  • Five Democratic Senators have joined red-baiting Republicans to oppose Biden's nomination of Saule Omarova to become Comptroller of the Currency. With friends like these who needs enemies? The progressives in both the House and Senate have been pretty steadfast and loyal supporters of Joe Biden's agenda. It's the centrist ideologues who have stymied it. Dems need to understand that they aren't entitled to anyone's vote. They have to earn it. These centrists have shown that their constituents are corporations and banks. Why bother?

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