It's almost comical to watch the Paul Ryan apologists trying to justify his mischaracterization of the GM plant closing in his hometown of Janesville, Wisconsin in 2008. His original speech (you can see the link on my post of August 17) had two piles of manure. (1) He claimed that Obama was responsible for the plant in Janesville even though it happened on George W. Bush's watch in 2008. (2) He seemed to suggest that the $4 gasoline prices of 2008 were also Obama's fault. Go figure.
The fact that he repeated this theme at the RNC suggests that his dishonesty was intentional and it just makes the manure piles a little bigger.
And now you have conservative commentators--on the internet and elsewhere--falling all over themselves tortuously reconnecting the dots of Ryan's words in an attempt to make them "accurate". Good luck with that! Trying to cover up the original manure piles with additional BS just makes those heaps of manure bigger and stinkier.
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