Friday, September 14, 2012

Quote of the Day

In the category of "I wish I'd said that", here is one from Bob Cesca of Huffington Post (via DailyKos), commenting on Romney's goofy statements after the events in North Africa:
"One of Romney's many miscalculations -- and a mistake that many hawkish Republicans make -- is to confuse obnoxious loudness with foreign policy expertise.
The opposite of a foreign policy neophyte isn't a scolding jerkass who pops off with saber-rattling bromides and political agitprop. Romney could have been a statesman about the events in North Africa and appeared dignified -- perhaps qualified -- in the process, but instead he decided to be a braying crackpot. Anyone with a lapel pin and a pulse can do that. Leaning on the warhawk slogan switch doesn't amount to anything resembling international leadership gravitas."
Pretty much sums up the whole list of right wing foreign policy "experts":  John Bolton, the entire Cheney family, William Kristol, Rush Limbaugh, etc.  There is lots of bluster and very little in terms of substance, not to mention actual results.

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