Friday, October 5, 2012

Jack Welch: A Dishonorable Man

T. Boone Pickens has shown he is not a man of his word.  In 2007--with typical bluster--Pickens made a promise (on which he later reneged) concerning the untruths which he funded with the Swift Boat liars.  He demeaned not only John Kerry but all veterans.  And then he broke his promise.  It is clear in my mind that Mr. Pickens is not a man of integrity.  When I see him being interviewed on TV, I turn him off.  Why would I care to hear the opinions of someone with such lack of honesty and character?  I'm under no illusion that he would even care what I think, but at least I can live with myself.

And now Jack Welch can be added to that list of of men without honor.  Okay, Jack.  I get it.  You hate Barack Obama. And Joe Kernen and the other Welch worshippers on CNBC give you plenty of opportunity to express your dislike of the man.  But if you think that your reckless tweet about the Bureau of Labor Statistics is only a criticism of President Obama, you are wrong and shouldn't be allowed to get off the hook.  You have impugned the character and integrity of many honest people at the BLS, with no evidence or justification.  You are a dishonorable man.

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