Tuesday, October 9, 2012

More from the CNBC Conspiracy Fringe

I usually try not to watch CNBC before 9 AM (at least not with the sound on!), since Squawk Box has basically turned into Fox News Lite.  But today I saw that Ken Langone (another Obama-hater) was on, along with the resident Obama-haters Rick Santelli and Joe Kernen, so I thought I'd see what kind of nonsense they were spewing today.  Of course, they were all defending Jack Welch, and adding their own unfounded accusations.

Is anyone else tired of Santelli's whining?  He may think he is yelling and therefore proving he is (1) more correct and (2) more sincere than the rest of us.  But it's not really yelling: it's just whining real loud.  He repeats his unfounded accusations and then says draw your own conclusions.   But when someone calls him on this and draws the only plausible conclusion--that he is accusing the Bureau of Labor Statistics of conspiracy--he denies it and whines some more.  What a crybaby!  Even Larry Kudlow thinks he's gone too far!

I don't know why they even bother having Welch, Langone, etc., on the show.  You already know what they are going to say.  Just play a tape from last time and save your money.

I can't believe at least some of the colleagues at CNBC aren't embarrassed by this.  Or have they all given up any semblance of journalistic integrity?

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