Thursday, February 19, 2015

From Steve M.

After I put up my last post, I came across this from Steve M. on his "No More Mister Nice Blog".  It's related to the second bullet point in my post about the Right's penchant for wanting the right words spoken rather that the right policy pursued.  I think he nails it.

From his post:
Our pols and reporters aren't much on picking up guns these days, but boy, do they love words. Words are obviously the journalists' stock in trade, but words are pretty much all we ever get from right-wing politicians -- they don't do anything. (OK, OK -- at the state level they bust unions and shift the tax burden away from the rich.) So they've persuaded themselves that words are the secret weapon. They shout "Radical Islam!" and tell themselves: THIS CATCHPHRASE KILLS ISLAMOFASCISTS. They think trash-talk equals valor. (Yes, I'm talking to you, Rudy Giuliani and Dinesh D'Souza.) They're still the self-deluding 101st Fighting Keyboarders -- but now they have the mainstream media on their side

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