Thursday, February 19, 2015

In the News

In the news:
  • The Religious Right would have you believe that the Atlanta fire chief was fired for his religious beliefs.  Hogwash.  He was fired for distributing his book to employees and improperly foisting his religious beliefs on others.  It was an abuse of his position of authority.  It's another phony religious issue by groups who apparently believe that Christians have more rights than non-Christians and that they have a blank check for any behavior.  In effect, they believe in a sort of Sharia Law for Christians. Well, I am a Christian and I think what he did was absolutely wrong.  Stop whining and accept the consequences for your actions, just like you expect everyone else to do.
  • I really haven't heard a single conservative describe exactly what the US should be doing to combat ISIS other than saying that (of course!) whatever Obama is doing is wrong.  Instead, they seem more concerned with debating whether we are using the correct words to describe ISIS, rather than any serious discussion of actual policy.  Outrage and bluster is not policy.  We had plenty of that with John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney.  Look where that got us.
  • So Rudy Giuliani says that Barack Obama doesn't love America.  Are there many people left who still care what Giuliani has to say about anything?  Surely he must rank high on the irrelevancy meter along with the aforementioned Dick Cheney.

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