Friday, September 30, 2016

Real Corruption

Are you tired of all the meatless faux-corruption stories about Hillary Clinton?  If you want to see real corruption at work, one need look no further than Scott Walker's Wisconsin. Wisconsin is my home state, something which is harder and harder to admit to every day that Walker is in office. Very sad to see a state once respected for its progressivism and honesty turning into one of corruption and the new Jim Crow.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

10 More Things I Have Learned from Conservatives

The list goes on:

11. The right to bear arms is an absolute right for white guys with automatic weapons, but not so much for black kids with plastic ones.

12. In order for the police to properly protect the general public, they should be held to a lower standard of conduct than the general public they are protecting. (Chew on that one!)

13. More people having health insurance is a bad thing.

14. Ben Carson is the one person in America who is allowed to use aborted fetuses in his work without criticism, because he is Ben Carson. (Everyone else is going to hell.)

15. The President ought to consult with Benjamin Netanyahu and the anti-Cuba lobby every morning so that he/she knows what American foreign policy is for that day.

16. Christians who commit mass killings are troubled souls; Muslims who do are terrorists.

17. Policy substance is no substitute for bluster. (John Bolton's Law)

18.The purpose of teaching American History is to make students feel warm and fuzzy about America, rather than teaching, say, the truth. (Lynne Cheney's Law)

19. It's a good thing to demonize people for political purposes when they are alive (Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Muhammad Ali, to name a few) and then change your tune for political purposes after they are dead by telling everyone what wonderful and inspirational people they were for you.

20. The more spouses one has had is in direct proportion to one's right to pontificate in the morality of others.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

10 Things I Have Learned from Conservatives

These are only the first ten (there are many more). More lists may follow.
  1. Americans fight and die in wars because they like the National Anthem at sporting events.
  2. The words "Constitution" and "Bible" should always be used together in a sentence. (Apparently they are both the inspired word of God.)
  3. When you are caught in a lie, just say it more frequently and more loudly. That proves it is really true.
  4. Popes are okay as long as they are conservative.
  5. Atheists are okay as long as her name is Ayn Rand.
  6. The white privilege under which I have lived for 68 years apparently isn't real.
  7. Torture is a bad thing unless Americans are doing it.
  8. The Founders really only intended religious liberty to apply to Christians.
  9. If you are a Christian, you should only have to obey the laws you feel like obeying.
  10. Gays are going to ruin the institution of marriage. (Heteros were doing such a good job of doing it right.)