Tuesday, February 4, 2020

A Few Things

  • Trying to remain Zen about both the primary and the general election. I am ready to be okay with whomever the Dem voters end up picking for the nominee, And I have no control over whether or not White America wants Trump to stay. And make no mistake, it was white voters who gave us Trump in '16, and it will be white voters if he's reelected in '20. 
  • A quote from a NY Times article about the Iowa Caucus debacle, blaming the boomers as not being savvy enough for tech: "The people who work at them are volunteers, and many are — how can I put this delicately? — members of the generation that still refers to the TV remote as 'the clicker."  Well, here's the thing. I am a 71-year old boomer and I think my kids would attest that I am pretty tech savvy. Here's my issue: what else do you call the clicker.
  • Maybe I have missed it, but the "Bernie's-not-a-real-Democrat" crowd has been strangely mute about the fact that Bloomberg is basically a Republican.

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