Sunday, December 20, 2020

Megan McArdle Tripe

Here is Megan McArdle trying to spread the blame around for the mistakes made in the Covid pandemic. (I try not to bother reading her op-eds but now and then I get sucked in.)

This is simply another attempt at Trump apologia. Here's the thing. Of all the people and groups and institutions mentioned, the only one who is President of the United States is Donald Trump. No one forced him into this job. He wanted it. And he is the one who  acted in bad faith at almost every step of the way, which resulted in tens of thousands of avoidable deaths. Most other actors in this play may have made mistakes, but most of them were acting in good faith and were actually trying to do the right thing.  Many of the presidents in my lifetime were people I vehemently disagreed with, but I  am confident that none if them would have intentionally endangered the lives of so many Americans as Donald Trump did. So more of these "there's-lots of-blame-to-go-around" op-eds. We only have one president at a time, and he was an utter and tragic disaster.

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