Saturday, December 5, 2020

Some (Unwelcome) Ideas for Biden and the Democrats

  • Don't make Rahm Emanuel a part of your Cabinet.

  • Since the Dems will be accused of socialism no matter what they do (remember Obama?), I say we should give them some of the real thing.

  • If your going to have Republicans in your administration, how about some true progressives, too.

  • I agree with Vox's David Roberts here. Biden should run a blitz of executive orders and let the Repubs and SCOTUS try to keep up.

  • I know I am repeating myself here (I do so every chance I get), but stop blaming the lefties in the party for everything. I really want to be on your side but it's tough when you tell me I can be in the room as long as I shut up.

  • When you say AOC's views might sell in the Bronx but not in the Rust Belt (or wherever), what I hear you saying is that the Rust Belt (or wherever) is more important or more worthy than the Bronx.

  • Please please please no talk of deficits and debt.

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