Sunday, January 31, 2021

A Few Things about Conservatives


  • We'd like to thank the ten Republicans for their "compromise" bill. This makes it almost too easy to see exactly what working with Repubs gets us: nothing--just cut the original by two-thirds. The original $1.9 trillion was already too low, but was maybe another (!) attempt by Dems to try to attract GOP support. Not gonna happen. On to reconciliation. Might as well add more to it while they're at it.

  • Most of the "reasonable" Republicans everyone is fawning over never used the phrase "President-Elect Biden" after the election. Such a low bar.

  • Mike Huckabee once described himself as "I'm a conservative, but I'm not angry about it." The media went out of their way to describe him as the kind of guy you'd want to have a beer with. But he is just another incarnation of Donald Trump. He hasn't changed. He was always this. And now his daughter, too. The media keep wanting to present us with reasonable, principled conservatives (Rubio, Cruz, Walker, Haley, and on and on), but they aren't there. They try to invent them but sooner or later they expose themselves for what they are.

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