Saturday, January 9, 2021

What a Country

  • It turns out that "deplorable" was the correct descriptor after all.

  • Max Berger on Twitter: "I would bet on the Bannonite wing of the Republican Party over the Romney wing of the Republican Party." I think this is the correct take.

  • I decided to do a DuckDuckGo on what pretend-Christian Franklin Graham was saying about the Trump/QAnon riot at the Capitol. From a couple tweets I saw, what do you think he was saying? You guessed it. Both parties are responsible. Oh, and antifa, too! What an awful man.

  • I actually know someone who traveled all the way to DC to take part in the riot. Then she claimed that she was at the Capitol and it was peaceful except that antifa infiltrated the peace-loving deplorables and became violent. And then they couldn't get out of town because Black Lives Matter was there tying up traffic. I am not making this up.

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