Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Time for a New Direction

In regard to this Bret Stephens piece in today's Times:

I am always wary of discussions that come from the angle of "reverse racism". It's not unlike my reaction to the police-have-a-tough-job-so-just-leave-em-alone argument. The point is that police unions, police departments. and the criminal justice system in general have had ample time to solve the problem of police murdering unarmed black people. They failed. Now other people have decided to try different things and they whine about it. Well, you had your chance.

This is similar. Speaking as a seventy-something white guy, we've had our chance to solve the race problem in America--a problem entirely created by us white people--and we have failed. Now other folks are advancing ideas to try address the issue. Maybe some of those ideas are better or worse than others. Over time we can weed out the good from the not-so-good. But I for one am ready to start listening--and I hope heeding--nonwhite people about this. We had our opportunity. It's time to stop whining and start listening.

Bret Stephens says new racism won't solve the old racism. I say bullshit. It's too late.  You and your ilk had your chance.

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