Thursday, June 10, 2021

With Friends Like These Who Needs Enemies

There are some problems with this statement put out by some of Ilhan Omar's fellow Democrats, who once again are way too eager to throw her under the bus.

1. I read Omar's tweet. She never equates Israel and the US with Hamas and the Taliban. I have been following Rep. Omar since she was elected to Congress, and have found that every time the Dems throw her under the bus it's for words they put into her mouth. Same thing here.

2. The statement is factually incorrect. It says that the US and Israel are at times "worthy of critique", but, in actuality, unequivocal criticism of Israel is never allowed except in a "ya but" way. As in: maybe Israel went a little too far "ya but" Israel has a right to defend itself. Such "critique" amounts to no critique, but it is the only one allowed without being attacked as anti-Semitism.

3. Apparently, Omar's colleagues didn't contact her first for "clarification", but released this instead. I am sure they are aware of the kinds of death threats she receives. This sort of thing isn't helpful. With friends like these....

I had a post not long ago about how I have given up on the Democrats. They pull crap like this frequently enough to reinforce that position.

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