- Without BBB, the infrastructure bill is just another (lobbyist-written) highway bill.
- There were no better "team players" in 2021 than the progressives in Congress.
- I am tired of hearing the Dem narrative about "winning elections" instead of talking about doing shit.
- It is good that we are technically not "at war" anywhere in the world right now. It's not so good that we are still supporting war and warlike activity all over the world.
- I have said this on this blog before: If you go out of your way to give people a reason to not vote for you, some of those people are going to take you up on it.
- The defense budget exists more to enrich the defense industry that it does to defend the country.
- The US should hold the behavior of its "friends" (Israel, Saudi Arabia, India, the Gulf States, etc.) to a higher standard than our ''nonfriends". Somehow it doesn't seem that way.
- Increasing the defense budget beyond what even Biden asked for is a bad signal, especially with the withdrawal from Afghanistan. How is this any different from a Republican President and Congress? Is business as usual what we should expect? Very milquetoast on lowering prescription costs but no problem showering money on Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon. Very bad.
- There's lots of deserved disdain poured on Manchin and Sinema, but my gut tells me that if they weren't there we'd still have a lot of Dems in line that would do exactly what they are doing. There were five corporate Dems who thwarted the nomination of highly qualified Saule Omarova for Comptroller of the Currency. She actually wants to regulate the banks (you know, like, do her job) but these Senators are in bed with the banks. Might as well be Republicans. In fact, they joined hands with the red-baiting Repubs. Disgusting.
- There are quite a few words and phrases that I would be fine with never seeing or hearing again in a news story. The one that's gotten to me lately is: "experts say...".
- It's worth remembering that the Tea Party originating in the late aughts claimed to be all about small government and lower national debt. They claimed the movement wasn't about any of those traditional conservative social issues. Of course, everyone but the corporate media knew this was baloney. Since the people in the Tea Party movement are pretty much now the staunchest supporters of Trump (who increased the debt to record levels with their support) and the January 6th seditionists, it's clear that it was about race and hate all along. The size of government and spending was always a smokescreen for the real agenda.