Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Biden's First Year


With the Biden Administration approaching its first anniversary, I would characterize his foreign policy as awful. The only positive is the withdrawal from Afghanistan, but the sanctions he left behind are going to kill many people. Policies towards Saudi Arabia, Israel, Cuba, the war in Yemen, and the Iran Nuclear Deal are unchanged from the Trump Administration, and in many cases worse.

The rhetoric has become almost warlike concerning China. While China's human rights abuses should be on the table, so should those of our "friends" like Saudi Arabia, India, Israel, and the Gulf States. Otherwise our credibility is zero.

Biden's domestic policy initiatives are better than a lefty like myself could have expected, especially given the crappy Senate he's been stuck with. But on balance, if a pollster asked about my approval of Biden, I'm not sure that I wouldn't say "disapprove."

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