Tuesday, December 14, 2021

QAnon Insurrection Stories

I know someone who was at the January 6th insurrection. It's been fun to watch the narrative metamorphose as the facts have emerged over time.

  • It was entirely peaceful except that Black Lives Matter kept us from getting out of town.

  • It was all antifa.

  • Typical tourist activity except for a few rowdies who got a little out of hand.

  • False flag.

  • The texts read by Liz Cheney prove that everyone in the White House was very concerned and on top of things, and did everything they could to stop it. And besides, it was mostly peaceful anyway.
Rest assured that the story will continue to metamorphose as needed.

[Incidentally, this is eerily similar to how the Covid story evolved over a couple years in these circles. Just change the narrative as needed in order prove that either (1) it's very serious and Donald Trump saved us all or (2) just a flu and the vaxxes just made everything worse]

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