Friday, September 25, 2020

More on Breonna Taylor

The non-indictments for BreonnaTaylor's murder reinforce what I said here a few days ago about police unions. It wasn't the union that failed to indict, it was a guy in a suit and tie who manipulated the grand jury to get the result he wanted. Ferguson revisited. You can get rid of the union if you want, but it won't matter if you don't get rid of the enablers who find excuses for murderers.

Here's an excellent piece (if you aren't stopped by a paywall) by Radley Balko in The Washington Post, detailing the discrepancies and half truths put out by Attorney General Cameron. First, you manipulate the grand jury, and then you go "public" with only those "facts" that bolster your inaction. This is very bad.

So go after the police unions, by all means. But don't think that it will do away with this kind of injustice.

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