Friday, September 18, 2020

Random Thoughts on a Friday Afternoon


  • I will take it as a non-coincidence that the countries with the highest incidence of Covid-19 cases--United States, India, and Brazil--are led by three of the biggest autocratic bigots--Trump, Modi, and Bolsonaro.
  • If I hear the word "iconic" one more time today, I think my head might just explode.
  • I have officially become a "dog grouch". I am lucky enough to live in an apartment that overlooks a Lake Michigan beach in Chicago. There are no dogs allowed on the beaches anywhere in Chicago. But every morning, it's overrun with dogs, unrestrained and running wild. I can't leave my apartment without running into dogs. I can't go for a walk without dogs everywhere.  I can't go to Starbucks or an outdoor restaurant without dogs. I can't even go to Home Depot or the grocery store without frickin' dogs there. Can't I at least have the beach? Or somewhere? Thanks for listening.
  • George Will had an op-ed piece today telling Biden that he should make Chris Coons his Secretary of State. There are at least two things that should disqualify him. (1) His anti-free-speech position on the BDS movement. And (2) The fact that George Will recommends him.

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