Tuesday, September 29, 2020


  • The more that comes out about Kentucky AG Cameron's Breonna Taylor grand jury, the more it's obvious that it was a sham. And then he lied about it.
  • I almost never watch presidential debates and one big reason is that they aren't really debates. They exist mostly to give the media something to talk about.
  • I am glad someone was finally able to get ahold of Donald Trump's tax returns, but we really didn't need them to know that he was never as successful a "businessman" as he pretended to be. The evidence was always there, the media just never said the words.
  • And to be fair, the tax code that produces this kind of BS is the responsibility of the Dems as much as the Repubs.
  • Based on anecdotal evidence, my estimate is that 70-80% of Chicagoans are wearing masks outdoors and basically 100% indoors.

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