Thursday, October 1, 2020

Who Got "Owned"?

It's amazing to watch the Trump cultists, including friends and relatives, actually claim that Trump has been successful in his "trade wars". One of their problems is that they mistake his photo-ops for substance, and they especially like the photo-ops where Trump is especially noxious, arrogant, and cruel.

I remember him at the Carrier plant in Indiana, bragging about how he was keeping the plant open and saving all those jobs. The company was more that happy to have him there. I think there was even some government contracts or something directed to Carrier as a reward for kissing Trump's ass in public. It wasn't long after that about half those jobs went to Mexico, and another Carrier plant nearby was entirely closed. No photo-op for those events.

In 2017 Trump had Foxconn's chairman Terry Gou to the White house to brag up his role (along with the grifter Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin) for a new Foxconn plant in southeast Wisconsin. Lots of tax breaks and taxpayer investments in new roads and other infrastructure. There is no plant and there are no jobs.

These are only two examples out of many. Wisconsin dairy farms have been closing in record numbers during the Trump's reign. Trump's trade war with China was lost long ago. There have been two or three rounds of welfare payments to American farmers (aka vote buying). Instead of recognizing this as evidence of Trump's failure, farmers somehow seem to think it is proof of Trump's success?!? Or if they see the shortcomings they just blame it all on Obama or something. I am sure most of them are voting for him again.

The sad thing is that some people mistake owning the libs for improving their lives. Trump's disastrous "job-saving" and trade policies have cost working people their jobs and cost farmers their farms. Just who got "owned" here?

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