Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Some Bullets

  • If you want to get a pretty good feel for Coronavirus in China, I recommend a series of articles by Peter Hessler in The New Yorker. Hessler has lived and taught there for number of years. His articles are pretty level-headed, informative, and without a particular ax to grind.
  • I read Soul on Ice about fifty years ago. I decided to read it again. (I actually still have the 95-cent paperback that I think I bought in 1970 at the Army PX in Fort Campbell when I was in basic training.) I must admit that I don't remember a lot of it, so I'm glad I'm rereading. My reaction is: holy crap, this could have been written last week!
  • Another story in The Washington Post today showing us again that Daniel Cameron's Breonna Taylor grand jury was a shit show. And showing again that--at the very least--Cameron grossly mischaracterized the proceedings, and maybe even out-and-out lied about it.  (https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/10/20/breonna-taylor-grand-juror-says-no-homicide-charges-offered/) All Republicans have become Trump.
  • Another WaPo article. This one about the Foxconn scam in Wisconsin. Scott Walker and Donald Trump had their lunch handed to them. If Trump can be had by one Taiwanese company, no wonder he lost whatever trade war he thought he was having with the China.  Trump is out of his league here, but the koolaid drinkers think he is winning something, not sure what.

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